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What is a writer’s block? Every writer will deal with it eventually, it manifests in different ways in different writers.

No matter how it manifests, all variants of a writer’s block share the same issue: willing to write, and an inability to do so.

Specifically, it’s an inability to get into the flow of writing. The moment you set your fingers to keyboard or pen tip to paper, your mind is haunted with a lot of things but writing. Instead it is filled with questions, concerns and distractions. 

Every writer experiences different roadblocks on their writing journey. Some of those roadblocks are external but far more of those roadblocks are internal like: self-doubt, perfectionism, etc. These things are what causes writer’s block.

Eventually working through this is about developing yourself and practicing and making writing a daily habit. 

That means on all days! So that means ; good days, bad days, and all that exist in between. What this looks like is completely up to you and what will really work personally. 

Two things are essential for both preventing and overcoming writer’s block: productive self-talk, and forming a writing habit(very important!) 

What also might help is to join a writing community on social media or start a group, where you can discuss everything without feeling judged and then you might realise that you’re not the only one. 

For me specifically this has helped a lot and I love the group I am in and couldn’t wish for a better one.( you know who you are!)

And besides all that I’ve said above, don’t forget to be gentle with yourself the most important thing of all.

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