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One Reply to “Create the perfect playlist for your book”

  1. Always happy to hear about other writers using this method, Miss Brumond 🙂 For me, it’s not so much that I make an official playlist — I simply think of certain scenes when I listen certain songs. For instance, when I hear N’Sync’s “Bye Bye Bye” I envision this exciting (and kind of humorous) prison break that ends with the protagonists jumping into the ocean & escaping by speedboat.

    I do agree with you on the credits song, tho. For me it’s not exactly credits rolling but I LOVE how many TV dramas will have a song playing in the closing scenes of their season finals, leading up to whatever the cliffhanger for the next season is. I have an idea for a story about a children’s show host but the catch is he’s dealing with all of these depressing (and in some cases, dangerous) adult issues in real life, while having to go on TV & act happy for children. I envision Timmies’ “Tell Me Why I’m Waiting” as the closing song of a pivotal episode, Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” as the closing song of the season finale of the 2nd to last season, & Ruth B.’s “Lost Boy” as the closing song of the series finale as the protagonist gets on the plane to leave Hollywood & it’s juxtaposed with flashbacks of him taking the risk to fly out there in the 1st place all those years ago.

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